Sunday, August 2, 2015

Thank You!!!!! You Made this Campaign a Success

I have sold all the bracelets I have on hand. There are a few available at the Summit County Fair on August 8th. I want to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart. I know Sandy does to.

For now, we are done with the bracelet donations. I hope we do it again in the Fall. Bless and thank you all!!!!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Sandy Arnett Marsh Lung Cancer Awareness Bracelets - Help Her Fight the Fight

Get your Sandy Lung Cancer Awareness Bracelet for a donation of your choice. Each bracelet will be in white - the traditional color of Lung Cancer Awareness. It will be printed in purple with the words "Our Warrior Sandy - ribbon - Lung Cancer Awareness." The bracelets will be in stock in approximately 5 days. A picture will be added at that time. I only ask that you donate at least $1. I will donate all shipping and bracelets. 100% goes to the Sandy Lung Cancer Awareness GoFundMe account.

Sandy Arnett Marsh donations will go to her Go Fund Me Account. This is her story from her campaign on GoFundMe.
My sister Sandy was recently diagnosed with Lung cancer Stage 4 unexpectedly on 07/13/15. She has been in and out of the hospital in the past two weeks. The bills have added up to $28,000 and her insurance will only cover so much.She starts radiation on 07/17/15 for 6 sessions of Radiation and will start Chemo as well. This is all going to add up really quick. Her and her family don't have that kind of money at the moment to pay for these hospital bills. So we are reaching out to our friends and family and anyone willing to help us out. If you could please donate anything we greatly appreciate it. We mean anything helps. From the bottom of our hearts we thank you so very much. Again thank you so much! Kristi and family.